Understanding Fleet Theft Trends and How to Stay Ahead

The theft of HGVs and other large commercial vehicles and theft from vehicles and depots seems to continue unabated across the UK. Private and fleet or company cars are not immune to the trend. Indeed the Office for National Statistics have reported a 25% year-on-year increase in car thefts up to May 2023. It has also been found that the UK is actually third in the European league table for vehicle theft – a bronze medal we could really do without.

And according to Statista.com around 23% of fleet owners have no security measures in place to protect their vehicles. The RAC has produced a report stating that on average around 30 vans are stolen and many thousands of vans broken into daily.

Is vehicle security doing its job?
Report after report is finding that many fleet owners, from small independent companies with a few vehicles to large businesses with hundreds of vehicles, do not have enough security to protect their vehicles. Many rely simply on the standard alarm-immobiliser systems which, although effective to a point, will not prevent every determined thief from stealing or breaking into the vehicle.

Cargo theft on the rise
The year 2024 apparently set a record for the highest number of cargo thefts across Europe. Figures produced by the Technology Asset Protection database indicated the highest level of thefts so far ever recorded. In July 2024, there were 1.736 new cargo crime incidents reported, with thefts amounting to a loss of around €16.2 million.

Unfortunately, the UK has come top again in a list of the countries most likely to be targeted for cargo theft. In July 2024 there were 620 incidents which accounted for over 35% of all thefts from vehicles which was up by 58% in comparison to the previous record set in February 2024.

Most cargo theft is carried out by organised criminal gangs and these are most active during summer holiday periods and especially around Christmas and New Year to take advantage of the increase in retail goods being transported around the country.

What are the most targeted goods?
Fuel tops the list, which is unsurprising considering the increasing cost of fuel. Metal products, tools and construction materials are often stolen from vans. Clothing, footwear and alcohol stolen from HGVs provide large profits for thieves who can easily and quickly move these items on. Trucks and trailers and plant machinery are also attractive targets for criminal gangs who often ship these abroad.

How to best protect your assets
Protect your vehicle and its contents with the next level in vehicle security technology. GPS vehicle trackers not only provide precise real-time location data on any movements or interference but also give you the best opportunity to get your vehicle back quickly should the worst happen because you will know exactly where it is.

If you want details on how a vehicle tracker can protect your fleet, talk to us and find the perfect model for you.