How Likely Is Your Car To Be Targeted By Criminals?

One thing that worries most car owners is the possibility of their car being targeted by criminals, and this is a particular concern for those who are considering purchasing a new vehicle.

There are things that you can do to help make it harder for criminals to steal your car, however. Taking actions such as fitting a car tracker is one good one. However, there are some car makes that are consistently targeted by criminals and this may be something to consider as well.
Which cars do criminals target the most?
If you were compiling a list of the most likely cars to be targeted by criminals in the UK, then there is probably a good chance that you may guess the top stolen car model incorrectly. According to statistics compiled by the motor industry, the Ford Fiesta is consistently the most stolen car in the UK. It is also one of the highest selling models of car.
Top targets
The reason for this is simple; the majority of Ford Fiestas only have basic alarms and immobilisers rather than more sophisticated anti-theft devices which makes them something of an easy target. There is also a strong demand for the parts, particularly now the model has been discontinued, and this makes them an enticing prospect when combined with the lack of security. Around 6000 were stolen in 2023.

The Ford Focus is also a frequently stolen model. It has similar security issues and with so many of them on the road it is only natural that such a common car should be high on the list, there are simply more of them for criminals to target. Approximately 2100 were stolen in 2023.

Just over 2000 VW Golf vehicles were stolen in 2023, making it the third more popular car to be targeted by criminals. There are plenty of them on the road and they, and their parts are highly desirable.

The Mercedes C class is the next most targeted car, and perhaps one that you might expect to see on a list of cars targeted by criminals. The likelihood of this model being targeted is actually on the increase, having risen between 2022 and 2023, so owners may want to consider additional security measures to protect their vehicle.

Both the Range Rover Sport and Evoque models appear on the list of the top 10 most stolen cars. However, figures are down by a significant amount in previous years. This is in part because Land Rover upgraded the systems for security in many second-hand vehicles from 2018 onwards to help prevent them being targeted by criminals.

These are both highly desirable vehicles, with the Evoque a popular company car due to its low running costs and the Sport a popular towing vehicle. Their high price tag and in the case of older models reduced security features make them well worth targeting by many criminals on the lookout for something that they can easily sell on.

Protecting your car
In order to protect your car from theft, particularly if it is one of the top targets listed above, we would recommend a security package. Including fitting your car with an alarm system and GPS tracker for extra peace of mind.

To find out more about GPS trackers, immobilisers and alarms, get in touch with the FitMyTracker team.