Which Are The Most Stolen Electric Vehicles In The UK?
Whilst sales of electric vehicles have slowed down in the UK in recent months – due to a range of concerns not least of which are range and charging network issues – by the end of September 2024 there were over 1,125,000 fully electric cars on UK roads. This equates to around 3.75% of the estimated 34 million cars currently on the road.
While this may still be a miniscule figure in the big scheme of things, the changing dynamics in the UK market means that thieves have a whole new focus for their unsavoury antics. The method of propulsion may be changing but vehicle security technology is constantly having to work hard to guard against evolving methods of theft. Examples include relay attack and keyless car theft.
At Fit My Tracker we often advise EV owners on how to keep their vehicles safe, including the use of vehicle trackers. According to DVLA figures, there are certain models of electric car that are more likely to be stolen. Here’s our compilation of the 10 most stolen EVs in the UK to date.
The Top 10
- The Kia Niro special editions saw 199 cars stolen in 2023 compared to 36 in 2022. This represents a massive 453% increase over the 12-month period.
- Second was the Hyundai Ioniq 5 with 96 stolen in 2023, up by a massive 9500% compared with 2022 figures.
- The Kia EV6 came third in the list with 91 stolen in 2023. There are no comparison figures with the previous year.
- Next up is the Kia Niro EV, with 72 vehicles stolen in 2023.
- The Nissan Leaf had previously topped the most stolen EV list but is now relegated to 5th place but still with a 52% increase from 2022-2023.
- The Hyundai Kona showed a similar increase with 47 stolen in 2023 against 31 in 2022.
- Next comes the Jaguar I-Pace. 45 went in 2023 compared with 36 in 2022.
- Hyundai’s Ioniq, the first in its EV range showed a huge 110% increase with 44 stolen in 2023 against 21 in 2022.
- China’s flagship MG ZS is also a target showing a 240% increase from 2022 and the MG 5 showed a 400% increase over the same period.
- Number 10 on our list is the Audi e-tron, with arguably the most efficient safety systems compared to the other EVs shown here. There were only 14 reported to have been stolen in 2023 but this is still up from 12 in 2022.
How to keep your EV safe
Of course our list is not exhaustive and most EV models are as vulnerable to theft as any petrol or diesel model no matter how much they cost to buy. So what can be done to protect EV?
Consider a tracking device
Here at Fit My Tracker we are convinced that one of the best ways to protect your vehicle at all times is through the installation of a GPS tracker. Real-time location and usage information, relayed directly to your mobile device, can help to prevent theft and unauthorised interference with the vehicle. Plus, it can help with quick recovery should the worst happen.In addition, a tracker can help to lower your insurance premiums.
For more information, contact our team today.