How The Police Are Combating Keyless Car Theft

The rise in keyless vehicles presents a challenge to the car thief of today. However, criminals are adept at changing the way in which they work to access new technologies to their advantage.

Unfortunately, keyless theft, which is also known as relay theft, is becoming a more pressing problem. Here, we take a look at what is involved in a keyless theft, and how the police are working to combat this type of crime. We also include some useful information on how to reduce your risk of becoming a victim of a keyless car theft.

What is keyless theft?

If you have to press a button on your car, key fob, or turn the ignition with a key, your car is not considered keyless. Keyless entry is a method by which a driver can unlock and start a car without having the key in the door or the ignition. They can have the key fob in their pocket or bag and simply press a button when they want to start their engine without needing to touch it.

Keyless theft is when criminals use a device to fill the car into believing that the key fob is close by. Naturally, this will allow the car to unlock and the ignition to start.

What are the police doing about it?

Obviously, as with any crime, the police are working hard to prevent keyless vehicle thefts.
Some strategies include:
● Targeting disposal routes, which include chop shops and ports.
● Tackling serious organised crime groups that are suspected to be involved in a significant number of vehicle thefts.

Changing the law?

Perhaps the most significant advancement in the police’s work with the government is to attempt to block the sale of keyless, repeaters, or signal jammers, which are involved in the vast majority of keyless vehicle thefts in the UK.

Removing access to such devices could have a significant impact on the numbers of keyless vehicles stolen. Many of the devices mentioned have no other useful purpose, and as such the police are working with the home office to examine whether the possession and sale of these devices could be made a criminal offence.

In addition to this, the police and the government are working with online retailers and marketplaces to block the sale of the devices or remove listings for them.
Work is also being done with manufacturers on developing technology to prevent these devices being used.

Further advice

The police are also attempting to provide advice to those who may be at risk of keyless car theft. The advice they give includes:

● Keeping car keys in a safe place, away from the car, your door or window.
● Obtaining a signal blocking pouch or box to block the transmission of the signal.
● Turning off the wireless signal of the fob.
● Reprogramming your keys.
● Obtaining a steering wheel lock or an immobiliser

Here at Fit My Tracker, we look forward to seeing how the police and government tackle this problem. One thing is for sure though, if your car is at risk of keyless theft, installing a tracker is the best way to find out exactly where it can be found.